Tooth Whitening – From Urine to Non-peroxide Gels

Tooth Whitening – From Urine to Non-peroxide Gels

When most people think of tooth whitening the first thing that comes to their mind is probably peroxide, commonly known as bleach. “Crazy” Americans started to use this chemical agent to make people’s teeth look whiter back in the 80s. And even though there seems to be nothing more American than white teeth, Americans didn’t actually invent tooth whitening.

For thousands of years many cultures have regarded white teeth as a symbol of health and wealth and have gone to great lengths to achieve a bright smile, even though some of these whitening practices were questionable, dangerous or disgusting. Let’s go back to that ancient era and explore the whitening practices and remedies used in those old days. Get ready for some surprising facts!

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians were obsessed with the concept of eternal health and beauty and considered white teeth as a symbol of virility, wealth and sensuous appeal. In fact, teeth whitening was a common practice among higher-ranking individuals, and Egyptians developed the world’s first tooth whitening system: a whitening paste consisting of a mixture of ground pumice stone and white vinegar, that was applied to the teeth using the end of a frayed stick.

Ancient Rome

Ancient Romans were also beauty-conscious and regarded white teeth as a mark of beauty and a sign of wealth. While for oral hygiene they used a special type of chew sticks to brush their teeth and keep them plaque free, to whiten their teeth they used a blend of stale urine with goat milk. As gross as it may sound, this was in fact a very sensible practice since, as we now know, urine contains significant amounts of ammonia, which acts as a natural bleaching agent due to its acidity.

The Renaissance 

During the 17th century, local barbers acted both as a barber and as a dentist, even though they had no formal medical training. In order to whiten people’s teeth they would file down the teeth of their “patients” using a metal file and then dab nitric acid, a highly-corrosive acid, on the teeth to make them whiter. While this method did effectively whiten the teeth temporarily, nitric acid eroded the enamel and soon resulted in tooth decay.

19th Century

During the 1800s dentists experimented with chemical compounds such as oxalic acid, chlorine, calcium hypochlorite or pyrozone as bleaching agents and kept looking for the perfect tooth whitener.

20th Century

In the early 1900s the use of hydrogen peroxide made its debut. While looking for a way to treat gum disease, dentists discovered that hydrogen peroxide was not only effective at improving gingival health, but also an effective tooth whitener.

By 1918 they also found out that the use of a heated light source in conjunction with hydrogen peroxide lead to even better whitening results and this method became the industry standard until 1960, when a dentist from Arkansas called William Klusmeier introduced the first bleaching trays.

Dr. Klusmeier instructed his patients to use an oral antiseptic to treat the gums overnight, using custom-fitting mouth trays. He found that the long exposure to this antiseptic – which contained carbamide peroxide – not only improved the gingival health of his patients, but also made their teeth significantly whiter. However, even though he presented his accidental findings at various dental meetings, it wasn’t until 1989, when researchers Haywood and Heymann published an article that supported his method, that tray tooth bleaching really took off.

Present Time

And here we are today. Thankfully, we have come a long way and we no longer use whitening methods that involve urine, vinegar, twigs or corrosive acids!

While peroxide is still the main choice among dentists, the tooth whitening industry has exploded with non-peroxide products for home use that are both safe and effective.

GlamWhite has been a leading brand in the teeth whitening industry since 2008 and offers a great variety of home whitening products that can make teeth up to 7 shades whiter in just one session, without causing any pain or sensitivity. Nothing could be more rewarding for us than helping our customers continue to seek the perfect white smile for many generations to come.

Peroxide vs. Non-peroxide Tooth Whitening

Peroxide vs. Non-peroxide Tooth Whitening

There are various methods and procedures (in-office bleaching, home kits, whitening strips, DIY remedies, etc.), but also different kinds of tooth whitening products available in the market. Most of the current methods can be split into two categories: those that use peroxide as the active ingredient and those that don’t. This article aims at shedding some light on the significant differences between all the options and clearing up some common misunderstandings.

Peroxide-based whitening:

There are two types of peroxide-based teeth whitening gels: hydrogen peroxide (for chair-side use) and carbamide peroxide (for home use).

Hydrogen peroxide

When it comes to teeth whitening, hydrogen peroxide is the main and strongest active ingredient used by dentists worldwide. It breaks down into oxygen and water and it starts working right after applying it to the teeth, yielding dramatic results in less than an hour.

Teeth have micro-fine pores, making the enamel a semi-permable layer. When hydrogen peroxide decomposes, oxygen penetrates the enamel through these pores to reach the discolored molecules (residue from coffee, tobacco, foods, beverages, etc.) inside the tooth. This process is excellent in terms of whitening effect, but it has a significant adverse effect tooth sensitivity. When the pores of the enamel are open, teeth become more susceptible to dehydration and demineralization, which leads to tooth sensitivity.

In the United States and many other countries dentists offer whitening treatments with hydrogen peroxide concentrations of up to 40%.

Carbamide peroxide

Carbamide peroxide, also called urea peroxide, is made from hydrogen peroxide. To make carbamide, a urea molecule is added to each hydrogen molecule to make the gel much more stable. It was designed for over-the-counter teeth whitening products since hydrogen peroxide tends to have a short shelf-life, especially in higher concentrations.

During the whitening process carbamide breaks down into hydrogen peroxide, but it takes about 30-60 minutes for that process to start. Since this type of whitening takes longer, it’s most suitable for home whitening treatment and perfect for touch-up pens and take-home kits.

There is a 3:1 relationship between these. In other words, 35% CP is equivalent to around 12% HP, 22% CP is equivalent to 7% HP and 16% CP is equivalent to 6% HP.

Because abuse or improper use of peroxide can have negative effects on the teeth, the European Commission limited the concentration of peroxide in cosmetic products in 2011. Thus, according to the current legislation non-dental professionals in Europe can use only up to 0.1% hydrogen peroxide (present or released) and dentists can use only up to 6% hydrogen peroxide (or its equivalent 16% carbamide peroxide).

Non-peroxide based whitening

Due to the new legislation on peroxide content in cosmetic products, ‘peroxide-free’ teeth whitening has experienced a remarkable growth over the last few years, also beyond EU borders. The most common active ingredients in non-peroxide based whitening products are sodium bicarbonate, commonly known as baking soda, and sodium percarbonate.

Sodium bicarbonate:

As a mild abrasive, sodium bicarbonate helps remove superficial stains from teeth. Also, it has a cleansing action by loosening food debris, it neutralizes the production of acid in the mouth and it prevents bacteria overgrowth. However, if not used in the correct proportion – especially with plain baking soda – it can eventually erode the enamel and lead to tooth decay.

Sodium percarbonate:

Sodium percarbonate is a safe and environmentally-friendly agent that has not only cleansing and whitening, but also antibacterial properties. When it comes into contact with saliva it decomposes into natural soda ash and peroxide (oxygen and water), though products sold in the European Union do not release more than 0.1% hydrogen peroxide, in compliance with the EU Cosmetics Directive

Sodium percabonate is being increasingly used by dentists to bleach dead teeth from the inside out  a process also know as internal bleaching. With this technique, instead of applying the whitening agent on the surface of the teeth to penetrate to the areas where discoloration occurs, the gel goes right to the tooth’s interior, which is a highly sensitive area. As sodium percarbonate gives good results with very little to no side effects, it’s the ideal whitening agent for such purpose.

In terms of efficacy it’s important to understand that these products cannot remove deep discoloration inside the tooth, like peroxide does. Nonetheless and depending on the brand and the formula, they can achieve nice results, especially sodium percarbonateAs a matter of fact, Beaming White’s sodium percarbonate gels have been tested on their efficacy by independent testing bodies such as Eurofins and were found to give an average bleaching efficacy of 3.6 shades, with testers yielding up to 7 shades whiter after 1 single treatment.

As far as safety is concerned, non-peroxide based gels will typically not cause any tooth sensitivity or gum irritation, so they are ideal for people with sensitive teeth or for those who are afraid of using products containing peroxide.

8 Superfoods That Will Protect and ‘Whiten’ your Teeth Naturally

8 Superfoods That Will Protect and ‘Whiten’ your Teeth Naturally

After whitening your teeth with Glamwhite’s products we are sure you will want to keep your pearlies nice and bright for as long as possible. We all know that certain foods can stain your enamel. What you may not know is that others have the opposite effect: they can help you keep your teeth white! Here are 7 foods you may already have in your kitchen that are good for your body and for your teeth:


An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Who hasn’t heard this old saying? Well, they can also keep the dentist away! Apples are not only extremely healthy, but chewing on them also gently scrubs away debris, stains and bacteria from your mouth. Furthermore, apples have a high concentration of malic acid — used in some toothpastes — which increases saliva production, cleaning your teeth and helping remove stains.



Strawberries are not only yummy, but like apples, they also contain malic acid. Moreover, they are packed with antioxidants that can help reduce bacteria and inflammation in your mouth. And they’re a significant souce of vitamin C. This nutrient aids in removing plaque, which can attract stains from food and beverages, plus it helps your body produce collagen — a key protein that keeps your gums strong and makes you less susceptible to gum disease.


Pineapple naturally contains an enzyme called bromelain, a compound with anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties that can remove superficial staining and reduce plaque – the sticky film that builds up on your teeth and under your gums throughout the day – resulting in healthier and whiter teeth. Recent studies confirm the stain removal efficacy of toothpastes containing bromelain extracts[1].



Papaya contains papain, a natural enyme deived from latex of the papaya fruit, which is often added to toothpastes as a tooth whitener. Like bromelain, it’s a natural stain and plaque re mover, as confirmed in a recent study (2017) led by the Department of Chemistry and B iochemistry of the University of Osaka[2]. Papain, which is found more in raw papaya than ripe papaya, also presents antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.


Celery has a high fiber content so snacking on a piece of this vegetable can help remove surface stains effectively as the fibrous cellulose acts as a natural toothbrush. Moreoever, crunchy vegetables with a higher water content stimulate saliva production. This neutralizes harmful acids in your mouth and helps prevent plaque and decay. While it’s definitely no substitution for brushing, chewing on celery will clean your teeth when you don’t have your toothbrush handy.



Not just for rabbits! Just like celery, munching on sticks of crunchy, raw carrot acts as a natural toothbrush and it increases the amount of saliva in your mouth, which reduces the risk of cavities. Plus the vitamin A in carrots helps strengthen tooth enamel and it can improve your eyesight. What else can you ask for?


Dairy products such as cheese yogurt and milk contain lactic acid, which is a natural enamel whitener. They also contain calcium and phosphate, which help strengthen the enamel and protect your teeth from the acids that cause tooth decay[3].

Cheese, especially, can help balanche the pH level in your mouth, wich means less harmful acid and fewer cavities. Also, chewing hard cheese increases saliva production and can remove food debris.

Yogurt is not only high in calcium but it has the added benefit of probiotics. These active cultures can help slow the growth of “unfriendly” bacteria that can cause dental issues. The cherry on the cake is that yogurt reduces the levels of hydrogen sulfide, the compound responsible for bad breath, and helps keep “smelly” bacteria under control.


These lovely little trees kids love to hate are really good for your health and for your teeth. When eaten raw, the crunchiness can naturally break apart plaque build-up and it get the saliva flowing.

According to recent studies the iron in broccoli, like the calcium in dairy products, coats the enamel with an invisible protective barrier against harmful acids[4]. This helps prevent stains and decay. In addition, broccoli is full of vitamin A, which is necessary for the formation of tooth enamel. So by eating broccoli you are not only keeping your teeth clean and healthy, you are giving your enamel an extra boost!

Top 8 Brushing Mistakes to Avoid

Top 8 Brushing Mistakes to Avoid

Keeping your teeth nice and healthy requires regular visits to the dentist. However – good dental hygiene starts at home. Brushing your teeth is so second-nature that you don’t even think about what you are doing. It’s almost like being on autopilot. You have been doing it for as long as you can remember, so how could you possibly do it wrong, right? And yet, many people (including adults!) don’t brush their teeth correctly. Mistakes made when brushing teeth can have big consequences and lead to problems like cavities and gum disease.

In this article, we will take a look at the most common ones. Thankfully, where there are mistakes, there are also ways to fix them, so keep smiling!

#1 Using the Wrong Toothbrush

Choosing the right toothbrush is a huge dilemma most people face. Extra soft, soft, medium, hard, manual, electric… There’s an overwhelming selection of brushes on the market. Talk to your dentist about what kind of toothbrush is best for you depending on your teeth type and try different brands until you find one you’re comfortable with.

Some people believe the harder the bristles are, the more effectively they clean. This is wrong! Hard bristles can wear down your tooth structure and cause your gums to pull back, allowing for bacteria and plaque to build and making your teeth more sensitive to cold and hot due to the roots being exposed. So it’s best to choose soft bristles.

You should also consider the size. The toothbrush should feel good in your mouth and in your hand. If you need to stretch your mouth too much to let the brush in, then it’s probably too big for you.

No matter which toothbrush you choose, always remember a clean mouth really depends on you, not just your brush!

#2 Not Brushing Your Teeth Long Enough

The recommended duration for a tooth brushing session is at least 2 minutes in order to throroughly and effectively remove food debris and plaque the sticky film that forms on the teeth and contains bacteria.

Even though 2 minutes doesn’t sound like much time, we often cut the brushing time short without even realizing it. As a matter of fact, most of us fall short of the recommended duration — the average time most people spend brushing is actually 45 seconds!

A smart thing to do is to divide your mouth into four sections and spend 30 seconds on each. You may have super clean teeth in the front, but what about the sides or the back molars? Make sure you don’t neglect any part.

Use what you can to ensure you brush your teeth long enough. If you don’t have a timer you can use your cell phone. Alternatively, you can put your headphones on and listen to a song, which, on average, is 2-3 minutes long.

If you feel like two minutes is too long, you can engage in other activities such as watching TV, reading, watering your plants or working out, or you can distract yourself with other things that you know need to get done.

#3 Brushing Incorrectly

Here’s another common brushing boo-boo — going back and forth along your teeth. Start from the gum and go up and down in circular motions, touching both the teeth and the gumline – the area where your tooth meets your gum. Circular motions are more gentle and effective at cleaning the gaps between the teeth.

Brush every tooth in your mouth, the outer surfaces, the inner surfaces, and the chewing surfaces. And don’t forget to focus on your gumline, a haven for bacteria!

Be gentle with your gums and teeth. Don’t brush too hard!  You may think that brushing hard will remove more leftover food debris and bacteria, but too much pressure may actually damage your gums and cause excessive abrasion and wear to your enamel.

Also, make sure you hold the toothbrush at an angle of 45 degrees to the gums. When you brush at this angle, you are brushing safely without causing injuries to the gums, and you have greater efficiency in cleaning.

#4 Not Flossing

No matter how great your technique, brushing alone is not enough to adequately clean between teeth. Floss at least once a day to remove plaque and food from between the teeth, where your toothbrush doesn’t reach. Plaque that is not removed will turn into tartar, also called dental calculus – hard calcified plaque – which can only be removed by a dental professional.

As for the question of whether you should floss before or after brushing, new studies suggest that flossing before brushing may be the ideal sequence for removing dental plaque as flossing after brushing allows particles to settle back into the teeth.

#5 Not Cleaning Your Tongue

Don’t forget to brush your inner cheeks and your tongue, too. That’ll get rid of bacteria and prevent bad breath. Many people neglect their tongue when in fact it’s one of the most important parts of your oral hygiene maintenance. You can brush your tongue with the toothbrush bristles or with a toothbrush that includes a tongue cleaner on the opposite side. Alternatively, you can buy a tongue scraper. Although cleaning your tongue with a toothbrush is a decent option, researchers have found that scrapers are more effective at removing leftover food debris and smelly bacteria off the tongue than toothbrush bristles. Stick out your tongue as far as you can, place the scraper toward the back of the tongue and move it toward the front while applying pressure. Rinse the tongue scraper under warm water to clear any debris and bacteria from the instrument and repeat several times.

#6 Using The Same Brush For Too Long

When you finally find the perfect toothbrush for you, it’s sometimes hard to give it up and you try to hold on to it for as long as possible. However, according to experts you should change your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months in order to avoid bristle breakdown, enamel damage and bacterial overgrowth. If the bristles are frayed, broken, bent or worn, they won’t clean your mouth properly, which will lead to more plaque and food debris in your mouth and eventually to gum inflammation and cavities. You should conduct what experts call “the eye test”. This means, as soon as the bristles lose their normal flexibility, it’s time to replace your toothbrush.

#7 Brushing Right After Eating

After eating the pH levels in the mouth drop and saliva has a higher acid content. By brushing immediately, you are helping rub the acid deeper into the enamel and liberate more minerals from the weakened tooth surface.  For this reason it is better to wait at least 30 minutes after a meal before you brush your teeth, especially if you have had a particularly acidic meal. That is long enough for the saliva to neutralize the acid. But what if your meal wasn’t acidic? Because many foods contain a lot of acid, but we might not associate them with high acid levels, it’s best to always follow this rule – regardless of what you eat -, just to be on the safe side. If you have a hard time waiting to brush, try drinking water or chewing sugarless gum to help clean your teeth.

#8 Not Storing Your Toothbrush Properly

When you’re done brushing, always rinse your toothbrush properly and make sure you are not leaving any food debris on the head. Store the toothbrush in an upright position to help gravity drain the water and let it air dry in an open area. Also, avoid keeping your toothbrush in a closed container. This is good when you are travelling, but it is definitely not the best way to store your brush daily, as a moist brush is more likely to grow bacteria.

And here comes the gross part…. Some studies show that toothbrushes in households often have poop particles on them! This is due to bacteria from the toilet bowl being sprayed around the bathroom when you flush with the lid up. So you might want to consider storing your toothbrush on your nightstand or inside your medicine cabinet and make sure to put the toilet seat down before flushing.

When Tooth Sensitivity Becomes a Royal Pain

When Tooth Sensitivity Becomes a Royal Pain

You’re eating a delicious ice cream in the heat of the summer, when suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your teeth…. You’ve got sensitive teeth. Join the club! 

What’s  tooth sensitivity?

Your teeth are protected by a hard outer layer known as enamel, which protects the dentin – the inner layer of your teeth. The dentin is made up of tiny openings called tubules, which allow hot, cold, acidic, salty and sugary foods and drinks to stimulate the nervesand cells inside the tooth, causing a sharp, though typically short-lived, pain. 

What causes tooth sensitivity? 

Many factors may lead to the development of sensitive teeth. The first thing you need to do is identify the cause of your tooth sensitivity and ask your dentist for advice. Here are the most common causes:

#1 Brushing too hard 

Brushing your teeth too vigorously or using a hard bristled toothbrush may wear down your enamel, leaving the dentin of your teeth exposed and prone to sensitivity.

#2 Too much acid

Acidic foods and drinks can also cause your enamel to wear away, expose the dentin of your teeth and cause tooth sensitivity. That’s because acid attacks and temporarily softens tooth enamel.

#3 Tooth grinding 

Did you know that the pressure exerted on your teeth when you grind is almost 10 times that of normal chewing? It is therefore not surprising that grinding your teeth – also known as bruxism – can wear down tooth enamel over time, leaving the dentin exposed. 

#4 Tooth whitening with peroxide gels

Because the pores in the enamel are open after a peroxide-based whitening treatment, stimuli are able to reach deeper into your teeth. Also, they allow your teeth to lose water, leading to tooth dehydration and demineralization. All of this makes your teeth more sensitive for a few days, but once the pores close over the sensitivity settles down.

#5 Exposed tooth roots

When the margin of the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth pulls back, it exposes more of the tooth. There are a number of factors that can cause your gums to recede: gum disease, brushing too hard, insufficient dental care, hormonal changes and genetic predisposition.

When gum recession occurs, gaps form between the teeth and the gum line, leaving vulnerable areas exposed. The roots of the teeth are highly sensitive to stimuli without their natural protective covering – the gums. As a matter of fact, tooth sensitivity is usually the first sign of gum recession. 

#6 Cracked teeth

A tooth can easily become cracked if it’s brittle and you chew on something hard. Grinding and clenching, as well as uneven chewing patterns can also result in a cracked tooth. The crack may be visible, though this is not always the case. Once the tooth is chipped, the crack will open each time pressure is applied to the tooth, allowing stimuli to irritate the nerves of the tooth and harmful bacteria to colonize the crack. 

How can you improve or prevent tooth sensitivity?

Making a few small changes in your daily routine, including dental hygiene habits and taking care with what you eat and drink can go a long way when it comes to tooth sensitivity. Here are the top 5 tips:

#1 Daily brushing and flossing

Practicing good oral hygiene will help you keep your enamel and gums healthy. A mouth free of plaque and tartar will be less likely to develop tooth sensitivity.

#2 Using a soft-bristled toothbrush

Choose a brush with soft bristles to help prevent enamel erosion and gum recession. Also make sure to brush your teeth gently!

#3 Avoiding acidic and sweet foods and drinks

Take care with what you eat and drink. Avoid acidic and sweet foods and drinks, such as wine, coffee, soda, tomato, citrus fruits and sugary foods, as these can erode your enamel. 

#4 Using a desensitizing toothpaste

Use desensitizing toothpastes that contain active ingredients such as potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride. Potassium nitrate clogs the tubules in the dentin and blocks pain signals temporarily. Fluoride, on the other hand, remineralizes and strengthens the enamel, forming an effective barrier when applied to exposed dentin.

Desensitizing toothpastes don’t go to the core of the problem and take some time before the effects kick in, but they can give you some relief. 

#5 Regular dental check-ups 

Visit your dentist at least one a year for a cleaning and a dental check-up. Regular check-ups are important so that dental problems may be detected and treated in the early stages. The type of treatment your dentist provides will depend on what is causing the sensitivity: gum recession, enamel erosion, tooth crack, grinding, etc. 

If you grind at night your dentist can make you a custom mouthguard that will stop you from doing so. Also, most cracked or damaged teeth can be repaired by bonding a filling or crown in place. If necessary, your dentist will apply fluoride gel to the sensitive areas of your teeth to strengthen your enamel and reduce the transmission of sensations. So if you have sensitive teeth, make sure to visit your dentist before it gets worse.

8 Foods & Drinks That Will Ruin Your Smile

8 Foods & Drinks That Will Ruin Your Smile

Regular dental checkups, combined with daily home care, such as brushing and flossing twice a day, are part of a good oral care routine. However, in order to keep your teeth strong, healthy and white, you should also avoid those foods and drinks that are likely to stain and discolor your teeth. Some are obvious and well known; others are not. But before we tell you about the worst culprits for teeth staining, here’s what you should know about tooth discoloration:

There are three main types of tooth discoloration: extrinsic, intrinsic and age-related.

Extrinsic discoloration is superficial and occurs on the enamel. Smoking, coffe, tee, wine, soda and other drinks or foods can discolor the surface of your teeth.

Intrinsic discoloration, on the other hand, affects the layer underneath the enamel – also known as dentin. This type of discoloration happens for many non food-related reasons: antibiotics, chemotherapy, excessive intake of flouride, mild tooth trauma, etc.

Age-related discoloration is a combination of extrinsic and instrinsic discoloration. As you age, the surface of the enamel wears away, revealing the yellow tissue below the surface, hence the appearance of yellow teeth. Additionally, over the years your teeth accumulate more stains and tartar.

The focus of this article will be on the foods and drinks that lead to extrinsic discoloration. Extrinsic stains are mainly caused by chromogens, the chemical compounds that give certain foods and drinks their strong color, organic substances called tannins – present in tea, coffee and wine – and also acids, which can wear down your enamel, making your teeth more susceptible to becoming stained.

Here are the top 8 culprits:

#1 Coffee

Sorry, coffee junkies, here’s bad news for you: coffe is one of the biggest stainers out there! Coffee contains a natural compound known as tannins, which causes tooth staining. Teeth are porous, which means that they naturally absorb the foods and liquids we chew and sip. Thus, the darkness of coffee can easily stain your teeth, especially if it’s black coffee. Plus, because it’s acidic, it alters the pH balance of the mouth, making your teeth vulnerable to other acidic foods that could damage your enamel.

For the millions of us who drink coffee every day and can’t just kick the coffee habit, there’s still hope: you can prevent some staining by adding a splash of milk to your coffee, which will not only lighten it up, but additionally it will give you an added kick of calcium and vitamin D, both needed to keep your teeth strong. Also drinking a glass of water after every coffee can go a long way, as doing so you will rinse away harmful tannins and acids from your mouth.

#2 Tea

You might think tea would be a better option than coffee. As a matter of fact, many people switch from coffee to tea, hoping that it will prevent their teeth from becoming stained. Unfortunately, it will not, as tea also contains tannins. The good news is that some varieties are better than others. Green, white and herbal teas will stain your teeth less than dark teas like English Breakfast and Earl Grey, simply because they’re lighter in color.

While tea is less acidic and therefore not as bad for your teeth as coffee, this does not mean that it is good for them. Light-colored teas can still wear away your enamel and discolor your teeth. Just like with coffee, consider adding some milk to your tea as it may help counteract the staining. Also, try to buy higher-quality teas, as they usually have lower tannin levels.

#3 Wine

Wine if full of natural antioxidants and, in moderation, it can even be heart healthy. Unfortunately, it’s less good for your smile, as it also contains tannins and acids. What may come as a surprise is that white wine can be as bad for your teeth as red wine. While it’s lighter in color and thus doesn’t lead to discoloration, due to its high level of acidity it is responsible for making your teeth more susceptible to becoming stained.

The good news is that recent research suggests that wine may actually help fight cavities and gum disease [1]. So if you are unwilling to give up wine, simply swish water around your mouth after drinking in order to rinse away the harmful tannins and acids. As an additional measure, you can always try to pair your glass of wine with cheese to counteract the acid and balance the pH level in your mouth.

#4 Soda and other Carbonated Drinks

Sodas and carbonated drinks are bad for your health on many different levels, but they are also bad for your pearly whites, as they contain acids and/or dyes that can stain your teeth. On top of this, these beverages are generally packed with sugar, giving oral bacteria plenty to feed off of and promoting tooth decay.

While you can avoid the staining by choosing light-colored drinks, you will still be exposed to the sugar or the acid. So if you really want to drink soda, at least sip it through a straw – if possible a paper or reusable one – to limit the beverage’s contact with your teeth. Additionally, try to rinse your mouth with water as soon as your are finished.

#5 Citrus Fruits

Many of us love eating citrus fuits: they’re refreshing, healthy and low fat. However, while they’re packed with nutrients, they are also very acidic. Consuming highly acidic fruits and drinks on a regular basis can eventually wear away the enamel, making your teeth more vulnerable to decay and increasing the chances of stains setting in.

But don’t worry, you can still enjoy the health benefits of citrus fruits with the proper aftercare. Since acid is especially harmful when you let it linger on your teeth too long, try to drink a glass of water shortly after eating citrus fruits in order to dilute the acids in your mouth. Another option is to eat some cheese to balance the pH level in your mouth.

#6 Tomato, Curry & Soy Sauce

As you might have expected, deeply-colored sauces like tomato, curry and soy sauces are some of the worst culprits for teeth staining.

Tomatoes are one of nature’s superfoods. While packed with nutrients, they are also bright red and acidic, making them perfect for tooth discoloration. So the tomato sauce on your pasta will for sure make your tummy very happy; your teeth probably not so much.

If tomato sauce is bad for your teeth, curry sauce is just as bad. Its pigmentation is so strong that it’s no wonder this blend of spices can yellow your teeth over time.

Soy sauce goes great with sushi, but it’s not so good for your smile. It is so concentrated that it is more likely to stain your teeth than any other dark-colored sauce or liquid. So taking it easy on soy sauce will not only benefit your teeth, but also your blood pressure, as soy sauce is high in sodium.

To avoid stains, switch to light-colored, creamy sauces and rinse your mouth soon after consuming tomato, curry or soy sauce.

#7 Berries

Berries, like tomatoes, are great superfoods. But as healthy as they may be, blueberries, blackberries and pomegranates are among the worst tooth stain offenders. Unlike some of the examples mentioned earlier, the stains berries produce aren’t generally a result of tannins or acids, but rather chromogens. Their pigmentation adheres to the enamel, discoloring your teeth.

Their staining properties are not enough of a reason to cut berries out of your diet, though, as they contain health-benefitting antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber. So instead of banishing them from your diet, just make sure to rinse your mouth out after you’ve eaten them to lift the pigmentation from your teeth. Alternatively, try drinking a glass of milk or eating a slice of cheese to keep the acid in your mouth in check.

#8 High-Sugar Foods

No surprise here: sugar is really bad for your teeth and promotes tooth decay. This has been drilled into us since we were kids. Whether your favorites sweets are baked confections, chocolates, popsicles, hard candies or jelly beans, these are packed with tremendous amounts of sugar.

The oral ecosystem is filled with hundreds of bacteria. Some of these bacteria are beneficial, others not so much. When harmful bacteria and sugar get together, they generate acids that can severly damage tooth enamel. Not only that, some sweets can also change your tongue’s color, which means they can also stain your teeth.

Your best defense is to moderate your consumption of sugary foods and practice good oral hygiene.

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